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“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” - Steve Jobs

As we discussed health barriers for those with disabilities, I reflected deeply on the struggles my brother has faced accessing care and mobility assistance. The societal stigma and lack of accommodation have clear impacts on mental health as well. I aim to advocate for improved integration and equity in healthcare for vulnerable groups.

This course has made me more aware of how social and structural determinants - from housing access to transportation - intersect to shape health equity. I plan to continually analyze issues systemically through an equity lens centering on communities impacted. Too often "objectivity" obscures how policies entrench disparities; I now better recognize my own privilege.

I was particularly surprised learning how recent many egregious historical policies are - well within living memory. Realizing health equity work remains so nascent makes me believe positive change is possible through dedicated advocates today. Content tracing excluded groups fighting for inclusion also demonstrated that progress relies on uplifting impacted voices.

Readings on unethical medical experimentation deeply challenged me. Confronting such breaches of trust and dehumanization forced self-reflection on my own ethical convictions. If I ever doubt my capacity to stand up for justice in complex situations, I must remember those who walked this path before me. Their courage galvanizes me to grow past discomfort.

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